This past weekend, I was lucky enough to get away from the city (as much as I love it) for a short while and spend some time with my girls!! Magige, Liz and Audra - although I have a special bond with all of the women I’ve lived with, these three will always have a special place in my heart.
Little can unite women more than sharing life together under one roof. Am I right? If you can make it through sharing a bathroom, fridge, dishwasher, washer and dryer, computers, printers, shoes, scarves, straighteners, parking spots and even cars, not to mention weathering every emotion from slap happy to full-fledged freaking out, you can make it through anything.
When we all moved out, this bond was put to the ultimate test as each of our lives took us in very different directions, literally.
I stuck around Columbus, working downtown. I still live in Columbus (insert sarcastic jazz hands here). Maggie moved to China, teaching English for a year. After nannying for her nephew for a while, she landed a sweet job working for the Couple to Couple league. Audra went to Honduras to serve at Amigos de Jesus, a school and home for children. She stayed for two years before returning to Columbus where she works as a project engineer.
Liz’s heart made a home in the Appalachian region of Kentucky working in the ministry of the Christian Appalachian Project (CAP) caring for being company to seniors. After, she moved to Toledo for school and In May 2019, she’ll graduate with her doctorate in Occupational Therapy!!
Eventually we have all found our way back to the good, old buckeye state, although in different cities. However, this ability to spend quality time (everyone’s top love language) not just one on one, but TOGETHER, is definitely a magnificent indulgence! With four you laugh more, hug more, sing more and love more.
Over than three years have passed since we all shared a home, but this weekend was a great reminder that with the friends who truly understand your heart, it will always be like you never said goodbye.
Enjoy a few snapshots of our antics from this weekend!