A few weeks back, Parker and I went on a little adventure to Glacier Ridge Metro Park. I spent our entire walk oohing and ahhing over the beautiful location and amazing light. We no sooner turned out of the parking lot than I began scheming to return for a photo shoot!
When I tried to find someone to go with me at the crack of dawn, this lovely lady Sara Huggett not only willing volunteered, but she went all out! Even at 7 am, neither her hair nor her personality was lacking pep!
I've known Sara since college and have been dear friends ever since. She's truly a remarkable woman and I've enjoyed all of life we've lived together, every second of which has been full of her signature, unpredictable adventures! She's always had my back and without a doubt she's brought immeasurable joy to my life.
When we set out on our session, she casually said to me "this is probably one of the craziest things I've done this early in the morning." I told her, knowing her life, "there's just no way this can be true!" She laughed and conceded, although I'll admit, it was still a little crazy.
Enjoy this fun glowy session at one of Columbus' fine Metroparks!
Psst...if you're in high school (or know a high-school student) and like what you see below, I'd love to take your senior portraits!!